Take advantage of our offers and start your magical journey in the world of tango with these special privileges!

Special Offers

Cost of Group Lessons:
8 lessons/month = 60€ /month
4 lessons/month = 50€ /month
Open courses:
5€/lesson for members
10€/lesson for non-members
Free Practica:
Especially for new beginners, enjoy free Practica for 1 month (8 hours).
Trial Course:
The first lesson is a trial and is free of charge, giving you the opportunity to get to know our school and enjoy an introduction to tango!
For Unemployed, Students, or Couples *
Enjoy a special discount of €10 per month for group lessons. 

Special Offers

for New Beginners

a) 1+1 Offer:
Pay for the first month,
and the second month is FREE.


b) Special Price 10€
Pay only 10 for the first month
(regular prices apply for the second month).
* Free Registration
Enrolling at Academia Del Tango is completely FREE 

SCHEDULE 2023/2024